Volunteer Awards 2020
Feeding a better future for pets
Each year, thousands of Kiwis volunteer their time, talent and energy to the SPCA and the countless pets in need across New Zealand.
The SPCA Purina Volunteer awards have been created to celebrate these special people and to put a spotlight on the numerous ways volunteers contribute to the SPCA.
Congratulations and a big thank you to our 2020 winners below:
Best Volunteer Team – Joss Grieve and Helen Welsh of Christchurch
Fantastic Foster Family – Tracey, Dave, and Tanesha Thompson of Waipukurau
Going the Extra Mile Award – David Orr of Nelson Op Shop
Best Op Shop Team Volunteer – SPCA Second Chance Op Shop in Kamo (Whangarei)
Most Devoted Volunteer – Karen Sanson of Hamilton
Outstanding Young Volunteer – Kerenapu Winiata-Katting of Rotorua
Meet Our 2020 Winners
Joss Grieve and Helen Welsh of Christchurch
Joss and Helen are at the SPCA Centre multiple days of the week, helping in any way they can. No job is too big or too small for them, and they always come up with innovative ideas to help around the centre. This team make sure the animals have clean blankets, are stocked up on food, and have plenty of socialisation!
Together, they have allowed the expansion of the foster programme, which means the centre can help hundreds of animals in need. Leading up to the Level 4 lockdown, Joss and Helen helped with the mad rush to get many animals out to foster, which made such a difference to these animals’ lives.
Tracey, Dave, and Tanesha Thompson of Waipukurau
Tracey, Dave and Tanesha have volunteered their skills and experience to help with equine rescue through the inspectorate. This family has helped the SPCA to transport, treat and rehome eleven horses since they started volunteering with us. They have collected horses from Dannevirke to Omahu and lots of places in between. Looking after horses, is hard work.
It is time consuming medicating, grooming, feeding and socializing these big animals. They also take up a lot of room! Tracey and her family have a lovely stable, grooming area, yards and pastures for our horses to stay in and enjoy. They supply covers, extra hard feeds, halters and anything else our horses may require. They do all this because they absolutely LOVE horses.
Karen Sanson of Hamilton
Karen is not only a foster parent, but she saw how busy the centre was on Saturdays with the adoption rush, so decided to do something about it! She volunteered and helps on this day, and also created a roster of family and friends to help so the centre always has an extra pair of hands.
Karen doesn’t stop there; she loves to help fundraise! During lockdown, Karen had seven foster kittens, and she always take action to get things done. Karen is the type of volunteer who can be relied on 100% of the time and is truly exceptional.
SPCA Second Chance Op Shop in Kamo (Whangarei)
The Second Chance Op Shop in Kamo is made up of a fabulous volunteer team. They have gone from strength to strength over the years, and every single day, a volunteer is going above and beyond of what is expected.
The shop is tidy, well-organised, and more streamlined in handling donations than ever before. Many volunteers in the store are retired and give up their time to share their talents and experience to keep the Op Shop running.
David Orr of Nelson Op Shop
David is an exceptional worker – he is known to do the job of two people! He spreads good cheer when he works, and even when he is not rostered on, he stops in every day to check on the Op Shop to see if they need extra help.
David has been described as a ‘human dynamo’ who keeps the place running smoothly. He is often seen putting up shelving, sorting the first aid kit, bolting racks together, and fixing the fittings and fixtures. David is also devoted to his dog, Hope, and is never seen without her. His positive attitude and kindness of spirit inspire everyone he comes across.
Kerenapu Winiata-Katting of Rotorua
Kere has been a great mentor to new recruits guiding and helping new volunteers to learn procedures and protocols at the SPCA Rotorua Centre, and is always reliable and confident in handling the animals. She is a strong advocate for animal welfare and promotes these messages positively in her whanau and community.
Kere demonstrates a high degree of compassion and empathy for all animals in our care. We truly appreciate her contribution to our organisation and enjoy having her here as part of the Rotorua SPCA team.

Contact us
We’re here to answer all of your pet questions - there's nothing too big or small. Get in touch with us directly any time, any way. Our lines are open from 9am - 5pm, Monday to Thursday and 9am-4.30pm on Fridays.
You can also contact us via web form or email.
For any media enquiries, please email MediaRelations.AUNZ@au.nestle.com